Our goal: No less than all students reading on grade level

Our goal: No less than all students reading on grade level

Our goal: No less than all students reading on grade levelOur goal: No less than all students reading on grade levelOur goal: No less than all students reading on grade level

One student,

one afterschool program,

one school at a time. 



All children have an innate curiosity to explore and discover. Our role is to teach in a manner that works with their nature. When we do this, the seed that was planted blooms and flourishs without effort.

The Situation

In Alachua County, Florida, despite being an  “A“  rated school district with professional, skilled,  dedicated  and  hard  working  teachers and administrators, we face a crisis in reading literacy that  has  ripple  effects  across  subject  areas.

Children  of  all  races who live in poverty, as  well  as Black  and  Hispanic  children are  not  reading  and  achieving  as  well  as  their  more  affluent  classmates.

The achievement  gap  is  particularly  stark  when  looking  at  race.    In  our  school  district  the  disparity between  white  and  black  students  is greater  than  the  average  in  the  state  of  Florida  -  by  9  percentage points.


This crisis is not limited to our county or our state but is faced by school districts all over our country.

We  decided  that  we  wanted  and  needed  to  be  part  of  a  solution.    

Read  To  Win  was  created  to  be  part  of  that  solution.


Did  you  know that  here  in  the  Alachua  School  District  we  have  the  widest  achievement  gap  of  any  district  in  the  state?

Florida Standards Assessment, English Language Arts

3rd  graders  -  2018-19

Alachua  School  District

57% scored 3 or higher 

77.4% of  White  3rd  graders  scored a  3  or  higher

31.6%  of  Black  3rd  graders  scored  a  3  or  higher

This  represents  a  45.8%  achievement  gap.

In contrast,  Florida  as a  whole  has  a  29%  achievement  gap.

A  similar  trend  continues  in the  higher  grades,  including  into  high  school,  and  across  the  subjects.

Data  from  Florida  Department  of  Education


Our Schools

While a  number  of  elementary  schools  in  Alachua  County  perform  well,  we  still  have  an  appreciable number  that  do  not.    In  some  schools the  total   number  of  third  graders  (without  accounting  for  race)  scoring  at  a  3  or higher  on  the  Florida    Standards  Assessment  in   English   Language  Arts  are  shockingly  low:  

Percentage  of 3rd  Graders  Scoring  3  or  higher  at  the  following schools

23%  at  Lake  Forest  Elementary  School

29%  at W.A.  Metcalfe  Elementary  School

32%  at  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings  Elementary  School

38%  at  Idylewild  Elementary  School

In  comparison:

57%   of 3rd  Graders  in  Alachua  School  District  score  3  or  higher

All four of  the  above  schools  have  an  enrollment  that  is  categorized  as  100%  economically  disadvantaged  

and  are  80  -  100%  minority  students.

Genesis  Preparatory  School,  a  local  Charter  School  has  72.7%  of  its  Black  students  performing  at  3  or  higher!

Of  note:    this  school  score  of  72.7%  is  15.7  percentage  points  higher  than  the  District’s  score  and  approaches  the  District’s  score  for  White  students  (77.4%)

Even  more  startling  is  the  achievement  gap  between  white  and  black  children  at  some  of  our  schools.

J.J.  Finley  Elementary  School  -  58%  Achievement Gap

Joseph  Williams  Elementary  School  -  84%  Achievement  Gap

Lincoln  Middle  School  -  70%  Achievement  Gap

Eastside  High  School  -  69%  Achievement  Gap

This  is  contrast  to  the  state  of Florida  where  the  Achievement  Gap  is  around  30%.

It  is  also  in  contrast  to some  of  the  Charter  Schools  in  Alachua  School  District:

One  Room  School  House  Project  -  24%  Achievement  Gap

Micanopy  Area  Cooperative  School  -  13%  Achievement  Gap

Boulware  Springs  Charter  School  -  23%  Achievement  Gap

These  numbers  tell  us  that  ALL  children  of  all  races  can  succeed  in  our  district.

Data  from  Florida  Department  of  Education


Why We Do What We Do

Born of the need to address this tragic reality  of  the  achievement  gap  for  children  of  color  and  for  children  who  live  in  poverty, we bring together a highly effective and efficient reading tool, literacy  expertise,  and  many  committed  hearts  and  minds.    

We  offer  our  services  to  afterschool  and  out  of  school  programs  by  training  providers  in  reading  remediation.    At  the  same  time,  we  will  help  set  up  monitoring  and  evaluation  systems  to  ensure  success.

We  also  seek  to  work  directly  with  students  in  Alachua  County  Public  Schools,  to  help  ensure  that  all  students  are  reading  on  grade  level,  through  reading remediation  and  through  helping  new  and  emerging  readers  establish  a  strong  foundation  in  reading  skills. 

We must do better for all of our students.


How We Do What We Do

Phono-Graphix is a tried and true method to teach reading  in  twelve  modules.    It  is unsurpassed in it’s ability to successfully remediate students, including those with dyslexia, English as a second language, and older students.    This tool  can  be  used for  one  on  one  instruction,  in  small  groups  and  for  the  classroom.

In various studies, Phono-Graphix has been shown to be 98% effective. 

We use Phono-Graphix to remediate students of all ages and abilities.  

We also use it to teach new and emerging readers. 

Children are taught the nature of the code of  the  English  language  in 4 simple concepts and then given the 3 skills needed to use the code  effectively and   efficiently.  Children are taught the code in a developmentally appropriate way that takes into account the nature of how children learn.  

It is a powerful intervention method. 

Just  as  importantly,  we  incorporate  reading  comprehension  and  vocabulary  building  in  our  reading  program.    Using  reading  materials  that  encourage  growth  in  science,  technology,  mathematics,  social  studies,  and  the  arts,  children  learn  across  subjects  while  gaining  a  solid  foundation  in  reading  that  will  serve  them  through  the  grades.    Children  who  were  followed  after  successful  remediation using  Phono-Graphix,  were  shown  to  maintain  competency  and  did  not  need  remediation  in  the  future.  


We Are A Trauma-Informed Organization

We  are committed to being a trauma-informed initiative.  

Read  To  Win  will ensure our tutors are also trauma-informed so they may interact appropriately with children and parents in our program, with both compassion and understanding. 

They will understand the role of trauma in development and in learning.

Training in trauma-informed care includes using sensory integration exercises to reduce fear, identifying and managing big emotions, and teaching ways to self-regulate. We will give tutors tools to build connections with children, empower them, and redirect them in an effort to provide healing and promoting appropriate behavior.

We  are  committed  to  having    tutors  who  come  from  the  communties  we  serve,  and  to  having  culturally  relevant  reading  material. 

With  these  efforts  we  enable  space  for  trust,  safety, and  learning  for  all  our  children.

We  can  do  this!


You, Our Neighbors And Friends, Do The Work To Bring Help To All Our Children

Read To Win is a true community effort.

The  United  Church  of  Gainesville  and  its  Racial  Justice  Committee  accepted  the  challenge  to   work  to  address  the  racial  inequities  in  education  that  result  in  the  large  achievement  gap  in  reading  proficiency.    


UCG is a registered not for profit church and serves as an incubator for Read To Win, with the goal of creating a stand-alone, not-for-profit entity that address literacy issues in Alachua County. In the past UCG incubated the Acorn Clinic, Peer Respite, and others.  Read To Win is housed at UCG. We receive mail and have office and training facilities at UCG. UCG provides support staff and volunteers in this phase of our programing.

Read to Win does not have a religious nature. 

All funds earmarked  for  this  initiative  will be used directly by Read to Win.

Volunteers make everything possible:  

training tutors,   tutoring students, writing grants, fundraising, developing  and  implementing  monitoring  and  evaluation  systems,  providing  support  services


Children Need You To Be Part of Our Literacy Initiative

Do you want to learn more?

Are  you  looking for away to be part of the solution?

We need your help!

Come  join  us !

Our Community...


We are grateful for your incredible generosity!


We are currently working to establish our partnerships!

Our Out Of School Partners



Join Our Mailing List

We Would Love To Hear From You!

Mailing Address

Read To Win - UCG, 1624 NW 5th Ave, Gainesville, FL 32603


